Frequently Asked Questions

Kompkin is basically a bouquet of knowledge and educational applications for students of various age groups.The nucleus of Team Kompkin works on development of applications that develop analytical abilities, creative skills, logical reasoning and intellectual capabilities in students. Kompkin will keep working with latest technology and platform to deliver these contents. For details, check Products page.

Kompkin comes bundled with loads of knowledge that a child can explore. It’s not just about education like the syllabus but Kompkin offers unique applications like creativity tools. Kompkin Career Disha offers knowledge about more than 200 careers, Fun e-kzam helps in testing the children with their academics by testing them with objective type questions.

Kompkin is developed with an extensive research by a team of experts that includes Psychologists, Doctors, Technocrats, Educationists and Career Counselors. Kompkin’s several softwares play an instrumental role in developing creative, analytical, intellectual capabilities and logical reasoning in your child at the right stage and age of learning. Right from school syllabus to languages and creativity enhancement tools, educational games, career guidance, fun exams; itoffers a wide variety of applications for an enriched way of learning.

Yes, there are lots of CDs available in the stores. But Kompkin’s range of products caters to individual’s needs. With Kompkin e-njoy-learning, children can have access to syllabus while with Maestro series 300+ applications are available along with syllabus while Kompkin Career DISHA gives an in-depth knowledge about several careers.

Yes, there are lots of CDs available in the stores. But Kompkin’s range of products caters to individual’s needs. With Kompkin e-njoy-learning, children can have access to syllabus while with Maestro series 300+ applications are available along with syllabus while Kompkin Career DISHA gives an in-depth knowledge about several careers.

Every child is special and each one will have their own grasping power and level of inquisitiveness. It is recommended that a child be allowed to find his choice of favourites within the vast plethora of applications. Children have no prejudice or any fear of failure. The biggest advantage of Kompkin is that it allows a child to learn at his own comfortable pace. Gift your child a Kompkin and he/she will find his/her way to choose the best applications for himself.

Absolutely not, in fact Kompkin compliments teachers in their responsibilities. Once a subject is taught in the classroom through Kompkin e-njoy- learning, students can learn and relearn at their own pace in labs and at their homes. However, no education technology can replace the emotions and value of thoughts and add-ons that teachers provide. Kompkin,however, can act as a trainer wherever there are lack of teachers and infrastructure.

Unlike most other products, Kompkin has built-in lifetime anti-virus that will prevent virus attacks on the system.

Our content team works on the software regularly. If there is any change in the syllabus we keep on upgrading the syllabus continuously. When you buy Kompkin Syllabus, it comes with 3 years Warranty also. However if you do not opt for that option you can buy the upgrades at a nominal cost.

You will have to re-install the software with the help of Customer support of Kompkin.

You can contact Kompkin Board Line No: +91 20 6400 3330 or write to info@kompkin.com

Yes you will require a set of speakers since Kompkin Syllabus is based on Audio Visual format. According to psychologists children can understand a topic better if the text that is displayed on the screen is backed by a voice over. Moreover it helps to get the right pronunciations also.

Kompkin software comes with life time validity and does notexpire after any specified time period. This is a major advantage of Kompkin Software.

No it is not necessary that teachers and students should be tech savvy. This software is very easy to operate and user friendly. Kompkin provides training to teachers until the teachers are completely satisfied and can operate the software on their own.

Yes you can get Maestro delivered at your door step at an additional courier charges. Since it comes loaded with applications useful to develop overall personality of your child it can be a very good tool for your children. It is also a very good gift article and we can send it to the addressed desired by you and help them with installation.

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