Kompkin Anganwadi is the pioneering product scientifically developed by a team of psychologists and teachers. Kompkin Anganwadi comes with many activities required for a versatile growth of tender age children by developing their analytical, creative skills, logical reasoning, problem solving etc. With many activities available in Kompkin Anganwadi, it makes learning fun for students and exposes them to a plethora of knowledge previously never accessible within students of age between 2 to 6.
Importantly, Kompkin Anganwadi does all this without undermining the role of teachers. Kompkin Anganwadi appreciates the role that the teachers in education system and as such the contents have been developed with a view to empower teachers and support them in developing teaching mechanism.
Highlights of Software:
Fully animated and activity based content.
Specifically designed for students of age between 2 to 6.
Guidance for teachers about engaging students with entertaining learning activities.
The software covers
- Reading, Writing, counting activities.
- Physical and mind development activities.
- Art and craft activities.
- Language and communication development activities.
- Environment and science related activities.
MRP: Rs. 32,000/-